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HOPE amidst COVID 16: Be Strong & Come Out Victoriously

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  • HOPE amidst COVID 16: Be Strong & Come Out Victoriously
Global Reachout
31 Jul 2020

Hello, my friends! My name is Keith Higginbotham. I serve as the senior pastor of Rhema Bible Church in Bangkok, Thailand and the director of Rainbow Bible Training Centre in Bangkok and in Yangon, Myanmar.

I've been asked to make a short video to encourage others during this time of COVID-19 and all that comes with it. As Christians, it's always important to remember we should always do everything we can do in the natural. But we should also always remember that we're not limited by the natural, for we have the supernatural power of God available to help us.

When tragedy and crisis come, it's human nature to take hold of the unknown. When we do so, we become lost in the confusion and the fear of the unknown.

God wants us to take a strong hold of what we do know about God and about the Word of God. We know that God is faithful and that his Word is true. Jesus said in John 3:16&17, For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.and that God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but that through him the world might be saved.

And so, we know what God is doing in the world today – not condemning the world but pouring out his love so that the world, the sinners, can be saved. The Apostle Paul also said in Romans 5: 8&9 he spoke about God demonstrating his love toward us while we were sinners, so that we could be saved and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. If God did that for us, how much more shall we be saved from wrath! There is a time in the future when God will pour out his wrath on this earth and judge this earth, but that time is not now. The time now is the time of love and salvation, God's grace and God's mercy.

The Bible also says that in Galatians 3:13 that Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law and Deuteronomy chapter 8 speaks about the curse of the law including all sickness, all disease and all plagues – including COVID-19. We also know from the Bible – Psalm chapter 91 – it is the heart of the will of God to protect his children so that no plague shall come near their dwelling. We also know in Jeremiah chapter 1 in verse 12, that God is watching over his Word to perform it, in our lives even today. When we take hold of these truths from the Word about God and the truth of the Word of God, it will help us to stand strong, have peace, come out victorious.

In times of tragedy and crisis, it's also human nature to fear the unknown. The fact that God said many times in the Bible, “Do not fear,” causes us to understand it is not the will of God that we live by fear or dominated by fear. When we are dominated by fear, we make bad decisions that many times, causes the situation to become worse, or even create more problems. The way to overcome fear is, once again – take hold of what we do know. Take a strong hold of what the Bible says about God and what God is doing on the earth today.

When you do, you'll have peace; you'll be strong in faith and you'll come out victorious. When times of tragedy and crisis come, it's important that we increase our time in the Word of God; for it is from the Word of God that we receive our strength, our encouragement.

Feed our faith so that we can stand strong in faith and not be shaken and overcome when the storms and trials of life come.

Sometimes I explain it this way: when a car is traveling on a flat surface, you can continue to hold the gas pedal at the same level and give the same amount of gasoline. But when the car begins to go up a hill – in order for that car to make it over the hill, you have to increase the amount of gasoline the car receives. The manufacturers designed the car so it could go up the hill as easy as it could go across the flat surface. However, it needs more gasoline so that the car can generate more power to make it to the top of the hill.

The same is true in our spiritual life. When we face trials and the storms of life come, we need to increase our time in the Word of God. We need more gasoline; we need more Word. When we do so, what we’ll see (is) what we need from God or from his Word that will help us, strengthen us, feed our faith, calls us to be strong and come out victorious. So let me encourage you today. Increase your time in God's Word every day. Receive from God; take hold of the truth of God's Word. Stand strong in faith and come out victorious!

I trust that you've been blessed and encouraged by the things that I've shared with you today. May God bless you!

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