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[Energiser] My Hand In His (13) : The Principles of Living by Faith

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  • [Energiser] My Hand In His (13) : The Principles of Living by Faith
David Lim
14 Mar 2019

Hi friends! Let’s learn from David how to live by faith today.

Nehemiah 9:21 says, “For forty years you sustained them in the desert; they lacked nothing, their clothes did not wear out nor did their feet become swollen.” The Scripture reveals the faithful and unfailing provision of God for Israelites during their time traveling through the wilderness. GR Singapore (GRS) set up in 1983 and God’s faithfulness in providing operations and their individual needs has never failed.

People change. Customs and practices change. World governments change. But God never changes; His love, character and power never change. My early Christian experience inculcated in me the habit of looking to God as the Source of supply to meet our needs and problems, and drove home the importance of daily communion with God and living a holy life. My daily fellowship with God taught me that God is a loving Heavenly Father who cares for me. Because of this blessed assurance that He will never fail, I have chosen to look to God alone for meeting all my needs and the outset of my ministry.

Once I told God that I wished I had more money so that I could live more comfortably. Instantly, He spoke to me in a still small voice, “You’ll not have a lot, but you’ll always have enough.”

When it comes to serving God, Jesus urges a different focus which is found in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

With years of experience, David sees many full-time workers in different countries put their entire trust in God to supply their needs. Here are some principles he had learnt:



For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. (Psalm 50:10)


There are times when the ‘hills’ God puts you on may not have ‘cattle’. Don’t worry! That is the time you can trust Him totally to provide money to buy beef; or to send someone to bring it to your front door.

God does not give GR or me many regular supporters. Otherwise, we would be looking at them more than God Himself. He uses many people, without our prior knowledge, to provide for us at the right time. God has servants everywhere. He chooses to use whom He will, so that we can continue to fix our eyes on Him.



Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding… (Proverbs 3: 5)


David recalled he once experiencing pain in his left eye and needed to visit an ophthalmologist. A friend suggested that he should tell the specialist that he drew no salary for his work, so that he would not charge him. Living by faith means that I look to God alone to supply my needs and aid me in difficult situations. I don’t need to manipulate people because God can move people and change circumstances anywhere and anytime to meet our needs.

David read the Bible that morning and Ezra 8:22 reminded him of the principle. The morning during my quiet time before I went to see the optometrist, I read “For I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to accompany us and protect us from enemies along the way. After all, we had told the king, "Our God's hand of protection is on all who worship him, but his fierce anger rages against those who abandon him." I am committed to living by faith. I make sure that I don’t send two contradictory messages: on one hand, telling people that God will supply all my needs, and on the other asking them for help.

The ophthalmologist spent nearly two hours to check the cause of his left eye and got an optometrist to check his glasses and test his eyesight. At last, the specialist said, “Mr. Lim, your eye is all right. You don’t need to see me again.” At the payment counter, the cashier said, “The doctor did not charge you for his services. You only need to pay $25 for the administrative fee.”

If I depend on people, they may die or go through changes in life, or want to but unable to support me. They may also redirect their support if they leave my church or I offend them. Some have also promised to support me, but ‘forgotten’. This problem can limit my ministry and cause many anxiety to my family. But as I wrote it before, God has servant everywhere  because God never changes.



Freely you have received; freely give. (Matthew 10: 8)


GR gave thousands of cassette tapes, records, CDs and players free of charge with postage paid for. Yet God continues to provide for their expenses even without solicitation for donations.

Once, a lady asked GR for gospel tape and wanted to know the cost. Although made known that the tape was free, she sent a cheque the following week. Giving is a demonstration of Christian grace and living by faith should encourage people to share generously. I do not suggest as some preacher do.  When you give to God, He will repay you a hundred time. This teaching is heresy. We give out of love for God and his children, not with the desire for repayment from God. Giving with an ulterior motive to receive something in return is not true giving. Give, not the count of cost. Serve, not to ask for reward.



Saul was going along one side of the mountain, and David and his men were on the other side, hurrying to get away from Saul. As Saul and his forces were closing in on David and his men to capture them, a messenger came to Saul, saying, “Come quickly! The Philistines are raiding the land.” The Saul broke off his pursuit of David and went to meet the Philistines. (1 Chronicles 23: 26-28a)


It is possible that the Scripture records this incident to testify of God’s deliverance. As David was about to be captured by King Saul, the king was suddenly forced to return home because of a Philistine attack. David’s life was spared.

Do you think it was a coincidence? I don’t! To suggest that David’s escape from Saul was a coincidence is to deny God’s sovereignty in governing human history.

Too many Christians dictate to God, expecting Him to provide according to our own timetable and our desired ways. It often leads to disappointment.

David revealed about a trip to Hong Kong in which he had financial constraints. But while in Hong Kong, different friends took him out for breakfast, lunch and dinner. David hardly spent money out of pocket during his stay there. After having breakfast with a pastor, David passed by a bookshop. He went in and browsed for books when a lady called him. The lady was from the church David preached at the previous Sunday. She took David’s hand and pressed a love-offering of $100 into it and said, “Please take it, Pastor. I want to bless you.”

The gift was more than enough to buy his daughter a Nike sports bag which David promised so. I marvelled at the way God led me to the shop and provided for me through this sister. A timely provision indeed!



Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. (Luke 12: 4-7)


Sparrows and human hairs are not of any real value. But Jesus stated that the Heavenly Father is aware of them, revealing that God is intimately attentive to the minute details of our lives.

Once, David had an attack of doubt and discouragement. He was looking at the GR staff policy – no salary and no retirement fund. He asked himself, “What will happen to me when I grow old and can no longer work?”

God knew my fear of the uncertain future. My Bible was in front of me and I picked it up in my distress. Isaiah 46:4 caught my eye: “Even to your old age and grey hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”

I had never noticed this text before. Could it be a coincidence? I don’t think so; after reading it, I immediately thanked the Lord, firmly believing that this verse is His best insurance for my life.



The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him. (Nahum 1: 7)


In February 2005, there was a newly renovated, vacant office unit near GR office and the rental was lower than what GRS was paying then. But GRS did not have $3,500 to pay for the first month’s deposit and rental. That was a Friday. David told his staff that if God should send them the money during the weekend, they would sign the contract on Monday. Upon saying this, they prayed for that particular need. God marvellously provided GRS with two large gifts on Saturday amounting to $3,500! They signed the contract the following Monday.

The trustworthiness of God reminds us that our salvation is sure, so we dare to preach the gospel. His promises are true – He will never leave nor forsake us, so we can live confidently. This is the assurance for those who trust Him. The trustworthiness of God should also inspire Christians to be truthful, honest and dependable in our dealings with people. The trustworthiness of God is the basis of our life of faith.



We live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5: 7)


In 1989, David brought his family of three to visit GR USA. His mother-in-law and his wife’s nephew joined them for two weeks. He had US$350 in hand and expected to spend six weeks there. His mother-in-law wanted to visit Disneyland, Universal Studios and other attractions.

We obliged her but admission into Disneyland was $27 per person. Multiply that by five! Universal Studios was equally costly. We also had to eat at least three meals a day.

As my finances were depleting alarmingly, the pastor of a church whom I had met at GR USA invited me to preach. I accepted his invitation. After my preaching, many responded despite my not asking for money. Some members wrote cheques for me and others sent gifts to me through GR USA office. No one – not the pastor, his church members or GR office – knew about my financial constraints.

When my family returned to Singapore after spending six weeks in LA, I had US$470 left – more money than I had at the beginning!



And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 19)


Joy, the founder of GR USA, prayed to study at Columbia Bible College in South Carolina, 3,000 miles away from her home. She believed that if God wanted her to go there, He would confirm through the provision of her bus fare.

She received a letter from her sister who lived in Minneapolis, “Would you be willing to come and help me for a few weeks if we pay for your fare here and back?”

Minneapolis is more than halfway to South Carolina. Joy’s sister could pay her fare all the way to Columbia instead of back to LA where Joy lived. God miraculously provided!

By God providing what I needed, big and small, has shaped my journey of faith. If you cannot even trust the Son of God who died for you, then who else can you trust?



Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4: 6)


Every prayer is planted by God in our hearts. If He puts a prayer in your heart, then He will answer it. God has His own timetable for answering our prayers.

So pray for everything. Don’t leave out any details so that even when an ‘accident’ happens, we are sure God has permitted it.

God allows problems to come because he wants to show us He can solve them through answered prayers. The life of faith is not just about trusting God for his provision. It also means learning to rejoice when we face injustice or when we are maligned, misunderstood or betrayed. This is a true way of living by faith!

This is certainly the core episode of the series. See you soon.

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